About Us
New Bedford Seafood
The Port of New Bedford is the Number One Fishing Port by Value in the United States and the Largest Fishing Port on the East Coast
New England’s Seafood Hub
The Port of New Bedford generates over $11 billion in total economic value each year – the vast majority of which is derived from New Bedford Seafood
For the 20th consecutive year, the Port of New Bedford leads the United States as the most valuable fishing port
In 2019, fishermen in the Port of New Bedford landed 116 million pounds of fresh seafood, valued at $451 million (Source: NOAA)
There are nearly 370 businesses within the city’s waterfront area that generate approximately $2.7 billion in sales each year
The Port directly employs 6,200 individuals, and supports wages totaling $238 million
The Port directly and indirectly generates $1.2 billion in local, state and federal taxes
Superior Customer Service
The Port of New Bedford is home to 45+ fish houses and processors, all with years of experience and vast knowledge of commercial fishing. All waterfront businesses enjoy easy access to world-class, intermodal connections.
Interstate Highway
Our port is conveniently located to major interstate highways that gives our shipping fleets quick access to Boston, Providence, New York and beyond. All product is moved expeditiously – fresh seafood is landed, processed, and shipped directly to you with speed and efficiency.

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Contact Info
(508) 961-3000
123 MacArthur Drive
New Bedford, 02740